Friday 28 September 2012

[WardFive] Re: [Brookland] Re: Monastery

It is nice to see you so animated about something a little as "not being informed" when they have all the permits and went through all the regulatory channels.  Imagine how you would have felt if you were me and folks from the Cafe when all the racism, prejudices, negative comments, name calling and unecessary protests for 3 years was occurring. 
Maybe I should call you "invective" and ban you from expressing yourself from the "Brookland Listserv".  Oh - you only allow people like yourself and Linda Sun to be moderators because you want to keep the "eliteist / imperialist" approach without anyone properly addressing the mindset. 
I knew eventually that someone out there would get the itch to talk about dogs, cats, repairs, free sofas and box springs, etc.  Where were you when Daniel was talking about all the trees at the Metro??  I wish I could say that they should cut all the trees down on their property just to spite you but that would probably affect my daughter's life when I am dead and gone!
Good for you.  Freedom of speech is an important aspect  in a community especially when you feel wronged or in my case actually have been extremely wronged by all of you "Imperial" thinking Whites out there.
Now - that's one of the "CHICKS" coming home to roost.  COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!!!  It is a bright sunshiney day out there!!!  Now post that to the Brookland List Serv!!
Rob Ramson

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 11:18 AM, Guy Brandenburg <> wrote:

That's good to know, John13.

My biggest concern was that as far as I can tell so far in talking to my wife and neighbors, not a single one of us was informed of anything about this project at any time in the two full years that they were planning it. Studies paid for and written and published -- who knows where? -- and meetings downtown, and not a single one of us immediate neighbors know a solitary thing about it until we hear the chainsaws and earthmoving equipment or arrive home and find dozens of felled trees?

Not even any "emergency no parking" signs on the trees, even though the earth from the project yesterday blocked a large chunk of Randolph street? And the Permit signs* conveniently located in the middle of the property where nobody walking by on the street could possibly see them? Even Brother Sebastian and the foreman on site had a hard time finding where the permits were posted, so how were the neighbors supposed to find them in advance? No other Monastery folks or workers knew where the permits were, either, which is why I kept asking people until I was directed to Sebastian. Who told me repeatedly that he was upset that I was even asking.

So far nobody on this list-serve has shown us any prior notices, documentation, or flyers via which we could have/should have heard/seen about it. I'd like to see some, if anybody has such a thing!

Neither Urban Forestry, Casey Trees, Bureau of Zoning Adjustment, nor the Franciscan Monastery found it necessary to let any of us know? Much less give us any sort of opportunity to comment, or even notify us of the existence of a tree felling permit...* 

I find it troubling when a responsible Brother at the Monastery tells me repeatedly that it's not my place as a neighbor to ask about it at all, it's a matter of right, I don't get a say, and, what's more, that it was the neighbors' complaints about lack of parking during Monastery and Visitor Center events that essentially forced them to cut the trees and pave the area... I had lived with the parking issue for 29 years; obviously, if you live by a church or other religious center of whatever denomination, there are obviously going to be special holy days that attract lots of adherents and parkers. Expected it, never complained. I was completely unaware of any "neighborhood" complaints or petitions about parking at the Monastery or Visitor Center, never saw any fliers, never saw anything on this list-serve, nothing, even though I do try to pay attention to local issues... Can anybody point me to something in print or on line on this?

I am not going to try to pin the largest blame of any one of those groups. But this is not exactly a friendly, charitable, generous, or neighborly way of doing things on the part of either DC Government and its agencies or NGOs such as Casey Trees or the Franciscan Monastery/Visitor Center, is it? 

I am quite aware of the historical context: the wonderful green-ness of Brookland is in large part because of the existence of various Roman Catholic religious orders and institutions in this area. I am trying to be as factual as possible, and drawing a simple, single conclusion: it's not nice to keep people in the dark about events that will, *in fact*, affect them. (and the environment)

The only comment I will make about heat, shade, runoff, net canopy gain/or loss is the following: I doubt very much the supposed conclusions of this hundred-thousand-dollar survey, to wit, that cutting the trees down and making a parking lot will increase the value of our houses. Increasing A/C bills and removing a green view won't do that, IMO, and I am unaware that people tended to pay higher prices for views of parking lots instead of trees, bushes, and grass. Quite the opposite!

It is also my opinion that when you get people involved and get their input, you get better output. It's the big advantage of democratic involvement. When important events are all or mostly done behind closed doors, you get the input of a few highly-interested people, who may or may not represent all groups. Those not at the table are dealt out of the game, so to speak. Unanimity is not required. Fair knowledge and understanding should be.

If there had been input from neighbors, who knows if a better solution to this apparent parking problem might have been found? Too late now, of course -- the trees are down and the earth is dug up. And, if I understood Sebastian correctly, the Vatican in Rome continues to pressure the Monastery for more income and "development".

Guy on Randolph
* I took photos of the permits and part of the process of knocking over the last tree. These are in the files of the brookland group, which you can get to here, I think. I gave them sort of an incendiary name:
but you could try . There may even be a video. Let me know if these links work for you or not. 


From: john <>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 10:04 AM
Subject: [Brookland] Re: Monastery

One fact that is missing is this summer the Monastery and its Garden Guild worked w/ Casey Trees to plant 30 trees and are caring for them in the back fields. They are constantly planting different trees, shrubs and plants all around the monastery grounds. Some are visible to the public and others are not.

John on 13th

--- In, Guy Brandenburg <gfbrandenburg@...> wrote:
> What misrepresentations? What tirade? What bias? What libel? Please be specific and give quotes showing what you are referring to. Thanks.
> Guy on Randolph, one of the moderators.
> ============================
> ________________________________
> From: Salvatore Cruz <cruz.salvatore@...>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 12:37 AM
> Subject: [Brookland] Monastery
> i'm new to this listserve and was rather unnerved by the misrepresentations presented by the moderator. It was my clear understanding that such tirades were not welcome. We all have the right to free speech but do not have the right to defame another's character or reputation. There seems to be a unfair biased against the Catholic Church here, an intolerance if you will. As a moderator you have a duty and responsibility to report facts not feelings and certainly not fiction at the expense of the monastery who was responding to the needs of the community. I've been in this neighborhood way longer than most of you and it seems a bit sanctimonious and down right arrogant for you all to misrepresent the intentions of the monastery. I agree with Matt in saying lets cut back on the vilification of these good people. As a matter of fact I went myself to look at the permits and contacted DC Officials who satisfied any questions I would have. Regarding any peach
> orchards being destroyed again a misrepresentation of the truth, the monastery hasn't had any orchards for over 50 years. Again, I think some self examination and soul searching is required here and a degree of perspective seems to be lost. Again, I'd caution you all that defamation of character as well as libelous statements are an offense that could possibly close this listserve down as I read the etiquette and rules of Yahoo. I'm not sure who the other moderators are but some balance should be had as it seems from my reading that this listserve is used to further the agenda and musings of a few at the expense of many. I was so looking forward to this listsere to keep me up to date about the positive things occurring in the Brookland Neighborhood I so love. It could be so much better if we focused on the positive. As an attorney I encourage you all to step back and regain some perspective. Personally I think the listserve could be a valuable tool in
> the right hands.
> Salvatore Cruz Esq

Recent Activity:
Brookland Rocks !!!!


R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017

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(Together, for a Brighter Tomorrow)


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