Friday 29 June 2012

[WardFive] Re: [ward5] [Another point of view professing to be the majority] "Trolleys" are good for Ward 5, if we can get them by Sally Hobaugh (GGW)

That's interesting.  I am rallying against both.  However, it would be nice just to get a response on the questions.  We know that they are going to do what they want to do regardless of what I or anyone with common sense wants but I would still like you and the other supporters to answer the questions posed. 
You see, we know that the Street Cars are not for Black Folk and it is not the top priority for us.  The reality is that we want folks who support the Street Car to know that we know that they don't give a _________ about our kids.  It is just like the 901 Monroe Project.  The one difference with this area and our most unique Metro Station is that the Comprehensive Plan could not engulf it in its even so VAGUE writing which was the intent of OP to be able to justify all of their intention!  Of course, no one picked up on it as it sounds good but a Wolf wrapped in sheep's wool!   No different to this is DC being so unique that the Street Car model is totally unecessary and only for Certain Folks.  Like I said, 10 years from now when we have saved out kids and provided all we have to for those who have been here and earned that respect, then I would also be ready to push "street car" signs!  No way in hell now - that's why you and the rest can't HUMANLY answer the questions.  It's Character Time my friend!!!
Remember, as intelligent as you are and as quick on the internet research that you are, you can't beat logic and someone who is able to present logic. And don't BS me and this community with the "it's too hot" as I am sure the house you live in has AC and if you don't, you can come over to mine or to 12th Street and you can answer the questions from here/there.
All that picking up trash that you and others do on Rhode Island Ave and good Lip Service that you give about Community is really nice, but here when it is most needed and we can see you and others putting your selfish wants over the needs of the community as a whole, you all are as transparent as the air we breathe.
So everyone knows and you do also, I really like Nolan and think that he/you is very intelligent and nice.  The fact that he and others who think like him in supporting the Street Car (even if you are Black) shows a level of selfishness that is totally unexplainable.
And that is horrible.  It ain't no different than the Racist Style support for Manomale (good guys and place) that the Brookland Heartbeat - Abaigail and Don Padou and the rest of you have shown towards the Brookland Cafe's liquor license.  Imagine 35 seats with NO PARKING with no protest!  But that is miniscule compared to this treacherous assault on our Kids and our communities - but still the sign that racism is still ever prevalent - right here in Brookland and our "diverse" Ward 5. But because we have Chiefs who sell our kids and their people further into slavery, we don't have much choice.  Sad isn't it!
Like Malcolm X said, the chickens will come home to roost - it is too bad that so many of our youth and others will suffer on this because others don't stand up.  You are no different than Mr. Barry - like I said the other day, he sold our kids 5 recreational centers and more out for a few pieces of silver and you and the rest are selling our youth out for to ride on a STREET CAR. 
The irony, one day when crime starts to happen more often and more extreme, maybe even closer to home or at home, know that I warned you and others that by denying the basic opportunities for our youth, you are destroying the very nature that god has created around us - the protection of knowledge.  Withholding education and opportunity for our youth will be the cause of increased crimes and will come back to bite you in the _____  and we will all suffer from it; even if every Black person is pushed to PG county. 
Remember, it is not the infrared light but the ultraviolet light that kills. What you and others are doing is killing by ultraviolet radiation - invisible death to our kids brain cells!!
Imagine, you and others are Green when you want to be, but when you need to be "Green" we see it is just a facade of this new version of Colonialism!!  You are moving in (no problem here) but how about some compassion!!!  Stephanie, pay attention - don't say you and Kenyan were not Enlighened as if you needed it.
Rob Ramson

On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 6:45 PM, Nolan Treadway <> wrote:

Just want to apologize for misconstruing what KPW meant by publishing that "Streetcar conspiracy" press release. I took that to mean that she was railing against the entire streetcar system, which she clarified that she was not and I should have simply asked her to clarify her position before assuming, based on the information she was distributing, what her position was.

Sorry KPW!

As for Rob, you do seem to be railing against the entire streetcar system, but I don't have the strength in this heat to get at it with you! 

Everyone stay cool out there!

On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 6:15 PM, Debbie Smith-Steiner <> wrote:

Further, since I am putting it all out there.  Who has returned to DC? Robert Bobb.  And who heads up the Federal City Council - Anthony Williams.  And who brought to light about about how the Federal City Whatchamacallit operates behind the scene?  The Common Denominator.

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed.
               Booker T. Washington

On Jun 29, 2012, at 6:07 PM, "Debbie Smith-Steiner" <> wrote:


Oh, by the way - our prior CM had the direct responsibility but we all know what he was doing. 

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed.
               Booker T. Washington

On Jun 29, 2012, at 5:39 PM, "Debbie Smith-Steiner" <> wrote:


Ok.  And like I have stated before with Ward 5 having 15 DC Public Charter Schools in a city that has 8 wards, we hold 30 percent of that education component.  

The Mayor released data showing how we have 220, pre post secondary educational facilities that is supported by almost a 1 Billion dollar budget.  

Since no one in Ward 5 took a strong stance and push back on the saturation of DC Public Charter Schools swarming into Ward 5, W5COE responsibility during this time, (Rae Zapata, President; Robert Brannum, First Vice-President), it is unreasonable for anyone to keep/maintain buildings/property that can be developed and utilized.

The enrollment at the Education Campus, DC Public Schools,  that you referred to in Ward 5 is dismal at best.  And is constantly shrinking with the influx of Charter Schools.  

No one is closing down the under performing Charter Schools in Ward 5, nor holding them to the same standard that the DC Public School is being responsible to maintain/held.  

So Anthony Williams and Robert Bobb who rode into town 13 years ago and forged the alliance with the business community to dismantle the Public Schools with the Charter Schools.

And so now, it comes to light, the outcome of that decision, destroying the DC Public Schools with the objective of getting control of our school buildings that sit prominently on green hills and beautiful land.

But no one listens to those who sound the bell early.  However, I can sit back and be humble with a I told you do attitude.

Now, as Ward 5 residents we need to make adjustments on the best use of our property.

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed.
              Booker T. Washington

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R. Ramson
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"We must become the change we want to see" - Mohandas Gandhi-
(Together, for a Brighter Tomorrow)


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