Friday 13 February 2015

[WardFive] *Cold* Emergency Declared

*Cold* Emergency Declared

District Government Announces Declaration of Cold Emergency to Take Effect This Evening

District Agencies Take Action to Protect the Homeless as Frigid Weather is Forecast


Mayor Muriel Bowser has activated the city's Cold Emergency Plan in anticipation of frigid, dangerous weather beginning Friday, February 13, 2015 through the early morning hours of Monday, February 16, 2015. A Cold Emergency Alert is issued whenever the actual or forecast temperature, including the wind-chill factor, falls to 15˚F or to 20˚F with precipitation.


The District's Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA), Department of Human Services (DHS) and other city agencies have determined that the weather as forecasted presents a danger to people out in the cold. By activating a Cold Emergency, Mayor Bowser authorizes the District to implement additional measures beyond traditional sheltering, such as warming sites, to keep residents who are homeless warm and safe.


Individuals in the District who are homeless and don't have a cell phone or change for a pay phone should call the Shelter Hotline toll-free at 1-800-535-7252. To request transportation to shelter for individuals in the District of Columbia who are homeless, contact the Shelter Hotline at or call the hotline. An e-mailed report should include the time when the person was seen, their specific location, and a description of the person's appearance.

If you see someone who requires immediate medical attention or assistance, please call 911.


Visit to get information about staying warm and for hypothermia and Cold Emergency updates. Also follow @DCHypothermia and @DC_HSEMA on Twitter for updates.



Kevin B. Twine

Staff Assistant

Office Of The Director

Department of Public Works

2000 14th Street, NW

6th Floor

Washington, DC 20009

Phone: 202-671-2593

DPW Main: 202-673-6833

Fax: 202-671-0642

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