Wednesday 6 March 2019

cheat_training_group cheat Training today

Hey all, 

The happiest time of the year is upon us, can't you tell? It's a high of 27, there's a wind chill of really cold, and the river is higher than it should be. Today please try to arrive earlier between 4-5. Those that arrive before 4:30 will probably go down and around Offut Island, those that arrive after 4:30 will head straight up dead cow, but we will confirm that workout with Ashley in the parking lot at Anglers. 

This year I will be at the Anglers beach, doing a warm up while we wait for a group and instructor to form. Once we have a group form with an instructor we will send you out on the workout. We will be meeting at 6 in the big eddy between Maryland and Center Chute to race from there down to Anglers Beach. 

For those that need a little more motivation I have been listening to "Immigrant Song' by Led Zeppelin on repeat all day. If that isn't your cup of motivation tea, then you may want to read this blog I wrote last year to understand way we do it. 

Don't forget about Fish Taco afterward. We can all warm up together. 


Steven McKone
Director of Calleva's Liquid Adventures


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