Friday 29 March 2019

Leaders in Training Program at Calleva

Hello Calleva Families!

My name is Ashley, one of the directors here at Calleva, and I am following up on my previous e-mail about Calleva's Leaders in Training (LIT) program week for your teenager. The summer is getting closer and it's time to think about your camper's next great adventure!  

The Leaders in Training course is unlike any other week at Calleva. Some campers at Calleva consider it a rite of passage to take on the  LIT week while other teenagers come to LIT looking for new experiences they can't find at any other camp.

On LIT, your teenager will spend a week in the Prince William Forest National Park in Virginia, learning basic outdoor survival skills like navigating with a map and compass and how to set up a campsite. In addition, your teenager will make life-long memories on LIT, taking on such incredible experiences as the night hike, paintball, and a Solo Vision Quest! These experiences are complimented by learning mental skills: how to set and achieve goals, say no to peer pressures, and identify personal weaknesses and strengths in order to work toward creating a more positive, empowered self. It is a week of bonding with peers in a positive setting, away from technology and the stresses of daily life! 

"Everyone should attend at least one week of LIT: teenager, adult, whoever. Not only is it unbelievably fun and you make life-long friends, but you learn how to take control of your mind and use it to conquer fears and insecurities - things that all teenagers face. When my mom signed me up in 2009, I was definitely less-than thrilled, but 6 years later I had graduated all three levels of the program and was working as the program's Assistant Director. I attribute many of my personal successes to my experiences and education on LIT." -Meg "Peg Leg" Dean 

LIT is filling up fast for this summer! Weeks 2 and 3 are already full but there is still space every week from July 1 to August 23. Click here to see our availability

LIT can change the direction of your teenager's life and it is one of the best gifts you can give your child during their turbulent teenage years.

If you have any questions about the program or availability, please don't hesitate to reach via email or phone.


Ashley McEwan, Tony Witter (Director of LIT) and the LIT Staff

Office 301.216.1248


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