Monday 25 March 2013

[WardFive] Re: Turkey Thicket co-location isn't off the table!

Good Morning Kathy! I have received your email and please forgive the delay but I did not see it until this morning - we receive the emails in the digest format. I will work on compiling the data information that you requested - we do have some that was shared initially when the plans were rolled out about the middle schools a year ago in March 2012. 

This process has been in the makings for some years now and even prior to me taking on the role of president of the Ward Five Council on Education our organization was heavily involved under the leadership of Raenelle Zapata. 

As I am sure that it has been stated, Brookland Middle would service more than the immediate neighborhood of Brookland - as most middle schools tend to service a wider area than elementary schools do. When the conversations about a middle school were initiated our request was for one middle school that would be centrally located and close to metro. We wanted to perfect one first but DCPS did come back with 3 - well really two, stand-alone middle schools (McKinley and Brookland Middle Schools); Browne will remain an education campus and hopefully finish the certification for an international baccalaureate program. McKinley will only have one elementary school that will feed into it - Langley - but for the the most part the rest of the now education campuses in Ward 5 will revert back to being elementary schools and will feed into the future Brookland Middle. 

We definitely understand all of the questions that the community has and wholeheartedly support getting the answers that we deserve prior to things moving forward in any way. 

Thank you for your email and I will get back to you and the entire listserv shortly. 

Faith Hubbard
President, Ward Five Council on Education

Sent from the iPhone of Faith Gibson Hubbard - please excuse any spelling errors


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